03. ožujka 2014.

Student International Film Festival (STIFF)



OFFICIAL  FESTIVAL WEBSITE : http://www.stiff.uniri.hr/

During STIFF (International Student Film Festival) the audience will be able to view the best shorts by young filmmakers from all over the world; films otherwise hard to get to and yet of extreme importance as they point to the future directions of world cinema.

The numbers of applications (600), as well as the quality of the productions, were more than satisfactory. This enabled us to compose and shape an exciting three-day programme which, classified into thematic units (Choices, Strange Loves, Silence, Journeys, Cities, and Rebels), incites dialogues among different narratives, styles and approaches to cinematic language.

The main competitive programme of the Festival offers 44 films from 24 countries, some of which have been screened and awarded at prestigious film festivals around the world and others, which will have their world premiere at Rijeka’s Art Cinema Croatia. 17 experimental documentary and fiction films, as well as video-art productions will be shown within an accompanying three-day programme between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. at the Palach Student Gallery.

 Maša Drndić, Selector for STIFF Film Festival

Kroz tri dana trajanja STIFF film festivala, gledatelji će imati mogućnost vidjeti najbolje kratkometražne produkcije mladih filmaša sa svih strana svijeta, filmove do kojih nije lako doći, a koji svjedoče o budućim smjerovima svjetske kinematografije.

Broj prijava(600) kao i kvaliteta produkcija bila je više nego zadovoljavajuća što nam je omogućilo kreiranje uzbudljivog trodnevnog programa koji podijeljen u tematske cjeline (Dileme, Čudne ljubavi, Putovanja, Tišine, Gradovi i Pobune) otvara dijalog među različitim narativima, stilovima i pristupima filmskom izražavanju.

U glavnom natjecateljskom programu festivala prikazat ćemo 44 filma iz 26 zemalja od kojih su neki prikazivani i višestruko nagrađivani na prestižnim filmskim festivalima u svijetu, a drugi će pak u Art kinu Croatia doživjeti svoju premijeru. Isto tako pripremili smo izbor od 17 eksperimentalnih igranih i dokumentarnih filmova te umjetničkih video radova kao dio popratnog programa koji će se prikazivati sva tri dana STIFF film festivala od 17 do 21 sat u Galeriji SKC u Palachu.

Maša Drndić, selektor STIFF film festivala

OFFICIAL  FESTIVAL WEBSITE : http://www.stiff.uniri.hr/